December 1, 2024

New in December 2024

A brief and value packed summary of important real estate updates in December

Hello everyone,

Discover what's new at our investment firm, key trends in the real estate industry, and our tips and tricks.

🔑 The park is expanding!


We have acquired 12 off-market units in the Côte-des-Neiges sector, at an exceptional price, $400,000 below market value. The optimization work is progressing rapidly, and we are on track to deliver around ten apartments by 2025.



Acquisition of an 8-unit building at $150,000 below market value. The satisfied seller even left us a reference!

"After taking care of our buildings for 42 years, we are very happy to sell our last building to a dynamic team, with a lot of professionalism despite their young age, courtesy towards tenants, the team structure is impressive and the concern to bring added value to their acquisition. I can only wish them the greatest success in their future transactions." Monique F. - Seller


💹 How is the market doing?

Lower rates and impact on demand

Lower rates make a considerable difference in available financing. When combined with CMHC programs, it allows us to make acquisitions with lower down payments than ever before.

This increased accessibility to financing is not going unnoticed. We are already seeing more and more buyers returning to the market and making ever higher offers. It has never been more important to have good solvency and, above all, the ability to act quickly when good opportunities arise.

The effect of the lower migration threshold

According to the rental agencies with whom we regularly communicate, the lower migration threshold is already being felt in rental demand. This is another good reason to maintain a quality offer and good service that will ensure a lower turnover rate in our stabilized buildings.

‍♟️ Our strategy for 2025

The gap between the average lease ($900 according to our statistics) and the rental potential (around $1,500) remains enormous, representing more than $100,000 of economic value per unit. For us, it is obvious: value-add buildings will continue to rapidly increase in value in the years to come.

In 2025, we therefore aim to acquire around a hundred units, mainly in the Montreal region, and to continue using our optimization method.

#️⃣ VisionDev in figures

In operation since 2018

91 homes acquired

5 dedicated members

350+ deals analyzed in 2024

36 offers in 2024

15 homes re-let in 2024

🎙️ Have you heard about the VisionDev Podcast?

We released our 16th episode last week!

In this podcast, Léo interviews entrepreneurs, creators and innovators to learn more about their journey, their industry and their methods.

We invite you to listen to it as a podcast on Spotify or watch it on Youtube.