🎤 I was invited to speak about VisionDev in Ottawa in front of a hundred academics this fall at the Elevate Conference.
(links to the recording of the keynote ⤵️ )
⭐ I chose to share the 4 most important lessons that I was given during my journey, that I tested and that worked for me.
❤️ Do what you love. I don't have an easy job, I never know what to expect, but I NEVER get bored. I am highly stimulated, I learn every day, about myself, about business, about life. This is what allows me to put in the effort and be perseverant.
hashtag #uniqueability
🎯 Set the right goals. I always try to set goals that are clear, tangible and exciting enough to keep me motivated, but grounded in reality.
hashtag #theONEthing
⚙️ Work more ON your business than IN your business. A business is a machine. You should spend as much time taking it apart, putting it back together, adjusting it and optimizing it as you do working in it. (make poutine)
hashtag #TheEMyth
🌐 Go meet the 50 most relevant people in your industry. The rest will happen by itself. Your network is your greatest asset, it's your school, it's your gym. You have to stand on the shoulders of your mentors, you need a tribe of entrepreneurs like you and you have to give back to beginners. That's how it works.
hashtag #whonothow
These are not my lessons, they were given to me. However, I can guarantee you from experience that they have changed my life.
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The best opportunities often require a fast response, and cash buyers frequently come out ahead. By building strong partnerships and staying prepared, we position ourselves much more effectively during negotiations.